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Every Friday at 9 AM, the laboratory meets to discuss recent progress in BioLabs 2065. Breakfast is served and everyone is invited. The speaker list and schedule can be found in the links below:


Every winter the lab takes a multi-day retreat to the Glenn House in Newry, Maine for skiing, hikes, games, and science

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Here is a Bloomberg "Hello World Video" about the connectomics efforts of the Lichtman and Engert labs.

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This research project is a collaboration between the Engert and Lichtman labs at Harvard, with a goal to produce the world’s first map of an intact vertebrate animal’s nervous system - a three-dimensional version of Google Maps, but for the brain of a larval zebrafish.

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Here is the new and greatly improved version of the Z-BRAIN Atlas. This is under constant development in collaboration with Hans-Christian Hege and Sumit Vohra of the Zuse Institut in Berlin.


We have developed an open-source zebrafish atlas, the Z-BRAIN, which we intend to act as a neuroanatomical  reference for the entire zebrafish neuroscience community.


Site is now hosted by the Zuse Institut Berlin (ZIB)

link connects to:


We organize an annual meeting on circuits and behavior in Tuscany. Everyone is invited to attend. All relevant information can be found below:

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 “Zebrafish journal club hosted by Armin Bahl’s lab, meets every other Thursday at 11am EST over Zoom” 

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