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Larval zebrafish use olfactory detection of sodium and chloride to avoid salt-water
Herrera KJ, Panier T, Guggiana-Nilo D, & Engert F
Algorithms underlying flexible phototaxis in larval zebrafish
Chen AB, Deb D, Bahl A, & Engert F
Colors everywhere: enhanced chromatic processing across the first visual synapse in the zebrafish central brain
Guggiana Nilo ​DA, Riegler ​C, Hübener M & Engert F (2020)
A bidirectional network for appetite control in zebrafish
Wee CL, Song EY, Johnson RE, Ailani D, Randlett O, Kim J, Nikitchenko M, Bahl A, Yang CT, Ahrens M, Kawakami K, Engert F, & Kunes S
Probabilistic Models of Larval Zebrafish Behavior: Structure on Many Scales
Johnson RE, Lindermann S, Panier T, Wee CL, Song E, Herrera KJ, Miller A, & Engert F
​Elements of a stochastic 3D prediction engine in larval zebrafish prey capture
Bolton AD, Haesemeyer M, Jordi J, Schaechtle U, Saad F, Mansinghka VK, Tenenbaum JB, & Engert F
Temporal phototaxis in Drosophila larvae.
Zhu ML, Herrera KJ, Vogt K, & Bahl A